Been & Gone
Wow, it's hard to believe one week has come and gone. Jason and Alyson arrived last Sunday, they were here until Saturday and have now returned to Ontario for Nationals. We had a great week, very active with things to do every day. On Monday, Bruce & Jason went golfing (Jason beat Bruce by 1 stroke...........Jason was happy, Bruce wasn't....haha!). Alyson and I went to Bragg Creek, a little town on the edge of the Kananaskis Mountains. We had coffee at a cute little coffee shop, did some shop hopping, then went hiking for a bit along the Bow River in the provinicial park. Tuesday we all went to Heritage Park. Even Bruce enjoyed it. We are going to go back again for their Christmas celebrations. On Wednesday we went white water rafting. On Thursday, Bruce & Jason went golfing again, this time Bruce won..............payback. On Friday we went to Banff for the day and on Friday night we dropped into see Stephen & Gayle & the kids. Here are some of the pictures. There is one more film to come back with the Heritage Park and Banff pictures.
Now we've had 2 of our kids out to stay for a bit, all we have to do is wait for James to return from Korea..............we miss you James!
PS: for those who are wondering, I made it all week without a call to or from work. I did go into my email, BUT only to check and see if James emailed me (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)
Bruce doing what he does best when family is around (Yummy!)
Alyson sitting along the Bow River in Bragg Creek Provincial Park
Jason & Alyson on the river. There was one point where they were in the river. There is a spot where anyone who wanted to swim the upcoming rapids could jump out. I think Alyson & Jason were the first ones to do so. Bruce & I stayed in the boat to be the designated "pull everyone into the boat" people.
Taking a break before the second leg (I know, we look gorgeous in those suits don't we!)
Now we've had 2 of our kids out to stay for a bit, all we have to do is wait for James to return from Korea..............we miss you James!
PS: for those who are wondering, I made it all week without a call to or from work. I did go into my email, BUT only to check and see if James emailed me (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

At 8:58 AM,
Evie said…
Wow, you guys had a great time. I hope you and Bruce didn't tire out the kiddies too much!
At 10:01 PM,
Jenn said…
ah yes, the infamous kicking horse river wet suits. one day we'll all have to raft the river together.
At 9:56 PM,
luna pie said…
Those outfits really are hardcore! hahah. Looks like you all had a great time. It sure is difficult being separated from family, but you guys really seem to make the best of it.
At 8:26 AM,
Daejeon James said…
I realized I'mn 1/3 finished my stint in Korea. I'll be home sooner than later.
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