The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round......

That all being said, last weekend I took a day and didn't touch my research or work reports. We picked Nathan up on Saturday morning and took him to lunch, out to visit the Lanchaster Bomber Museum in Nanton (pictures to come when I get the film processed), and then he and Bruce hunkered down to watch the Toronto Maple Laefs vs the Calgary Flames. It was a hoot. Nathan and Bruce decided that the town of Nanton was a "dump", except for the museum. All day, they referred to going to the Alberta Dump. Nathan loved climbing in the airplanes and seeing the other paraphanalia. When we got home, Bruce gave him a pair of Spoak ears we had picked up for him in Vulcan. Nathan loved them. The best part though was watching the two of them as they cheered and watched the hockey game. Nathan is still a Leafs fan and was thrilled when Toronto won. On our way to church the next day, Bruce and Nathan schemed as to how Nathan could walk into church with his Spoak ears hiding under his hood, then take it off at an opportune time for maximum effect. Needless to say, we had a great time.
So what's with the bus you ask? Well, tomorrow Bruce starts training to be a "Greyhound Coach Operator". After 28 years in one job, the first resume he sent out got him an interview. He got a call back after the interview to go for the physical/medical tests, and 4 days later he got the call to say he starts training this Monday. For the first time in over 28 years, Bruce has to wear a shirt and tie to work. We went out yesterday to spend some cash on him (which he will raraely do), and got him some good shoes and a new dress shirt. Once he finishes training, he will drive routes all over Alberta, from the southern boarder, to Edmonton, over to part way through the mountains in BC and to Regina in the east. He is quite pleased, as he enjoys driving, and he'll be able to see more of the province. There will be many afternoons and nights where he will be called in to do a run, which means I can work late and not feel guilty that he sitting at home alone. So, the move to Calgary has meant a positive move forward in my career, and a positive change in career direction for Bruce. God really does know what he is doing!
At 7:39 PM,
Evie said…
That's great news about Bruce's new job! And it's pretty cool that the Leafs won too.
At 7:49 PM,
Jenn said…
a shirt and tie? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
At 8:06 AM,
Barbara said…
Congratulations Bruce! I'm not surprised you got the job, you're a great driver!
Sounds like Nathan had a great time with you two. Those are memories that will last a lifetime!
At 3:59 PM,
Wanda said…
Congrats! Glad you got the job!
At 12:34 AM,
Daejeon James said…
I'm thrilled about the new job. It really makes me happy man. You make me proud.
At 9:00 PM,
Catharine said…
Driving a bus is cool. Do people still use the smelly bathrooms on buses? Hopefully potty duty isn't part of the job :)
At 3:58 PM,
Dave said…
I use to love riding the Greyhounds just to watch all the scenery.You see many an interesting character on the buses...and many lovely people too.
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