At work, I am a firm believer in "comedy breaks" to relieve the stress, not just for myself, but for everyone that works with and around me. It just seems to lift everyone's mood, and we can all then go back to what we were doing with a "new perspective". One of the greatest compliments I have been given of late is "Joanne, I don't like it when you're away. Things aren't the same, it's too quiet and stressful." I guess my strategy works!
So, you've heard about the flying monkey, the multi coloured hairy balls, etc. So without further adieu, the much promised pictures, so everyone can see what it is all about.
Laurie, one of our Executive Assistants holding "Mookie" the Flying Monkey (yes, we can actually make him fly)
Me wearing some of my multi coloured hairy balls.

The REAL me! Queen of Everything at the Office (I even have a mug that says so!)

The "Chicken Lady" costume. There's even a "Chicken Lady" walk and "Chicken Lady" voice that goes along with it.

The Irish Queen "Chicken Lady" with her multi coloured hairy balls and flying chicken (yes Dad, that's Donna Goulding in the picture beside me).

At 10:05 AM,
Evie said…
Well, there's no arguing against a coffee mug that says you're the queen. I'll concede that one. However, that last photo does not prove that you were working. I'm sure you were surfin' the 'net when that one was taken. ;-)
At 3:52 PM,
Wanda said…
I think she was working on her blog, or Jason's wedding...haha
Nah, I lived with this workaholic and she needs a 12 step program...
Sounds like a fun place to work, need any new people???? hahaha
At 7:15 AM,
Dave said…
Too bad our office did not do things like this.
At 3:24 PM,
Jenn said…
that last picture is so posed for
At 6:55 PM,
Catharine said…
That office looks a little too clean and perfect to me...suspicion continues!
At 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
the flying monkeys!!! lol At least your workplace isnt a prison:) *cough* walmart
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