Bruce & I were in Edmonton this week. I had some business meetings I had to be at, and Bruce came along to keep me company on the drive. It's just over 3 hours straight north from Calgary to Edmonton. What we found to be quite interesting and surprising is that the landscape does not change at all the whole trip. This picture is the type of landscape we saw the whole trip, with the occasional clump of trees thrown in. We thought that we would have been able to see the mountains in the distance as we drove, however they are too far west to be seen. There was no lakes, the occassional river and some small spots of wet lands. Although it was beautiful in it's own way, well, it's not like "back home."
In Ontario, if you make a 31/2 hour trip no
rth from Caledon where we lived, it was always interesting. The farther north you go, the more the landscape changes. The beauty of the rock formations, the number of lakes, the wildlife that was in evidence, the change in the type of vegitation, it all made for an interesting drive. Our kids always looked forward to that drive north every summer as we

went to the cottage for a week or two, or went to the beach for the day. They always looked for the "big rock" as they knew it meant we were half way there. Bruce & I have always loved northern Ontario. It has always been our place to get away and find peace and contentment. We would take time away at a cottage on a lake over going to Mexico or the Caribean any time. We have often talked about buying property in northern Ontario when we retire. That dream is not gone. Although we are in West for now, and probably for many years to come, Ontario will always be home.
At 10:23 AM,
Evie said…
Northern Ontario is incredibly diverse and beautiful. Dave and I are hoping to get back to the Lake Superior area again in the next year or two. It's hard to believe it's been ten years since we lived in Manitoba and camped in northern Ontario. I really miss northern camping: Grundy Lake, Lake Superior, Lake of the Woods. . . . Some awesome places.
You may find that the prairies will grow on you after awhile. Seeing open countryside for miles and miles in all directions is incredibly calming. And prairie sunsets are amazing (that's one of the things I miss most about Manitoba). We don't get sunsets like those in Virginia - the hills and mountains get in the way.
Enjoy the unique beauty of Alberta and treasure your memories of Ontario. Cherish the fact that you've been blessed to live in two of the most beautiful areas in the world.
At 8:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
The prairies have a beauty of their own. When we lived in Manitoba we enjoyed the broad red sunsets that stretched from the one edge of our peripheral vision to the other. None the less, the flat land can be droll to drive. Outside the odd town like Grand Forks and Fargo, our journey east from Winnipeg was flat and flat from Winnipeg to St. Cloud MN, a 8 hour drive.
It is not uncommon on the parries to see a car coming toward you at night for 10 minutes or more. The roads so straight, the land so flat and with few obstructions, with the air so clean the light of headlights can sometimes be seen 20 miles away.
Our days in Iowa was somewhat the same when you went east or west of Iowa City. There were a few more hills, except when you got into IL.
The question has been asked what is the difference between Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In Manitoba you can sit on your back porch and watch your dog run away all day. In Saskatchewan, you can watch your day run away for two days.
At 9:06 AM,
Barbara said…
I can see how this would be very serene. I can't wait until we come and see it. It's amazing how vastly different our country can be from one region to the next.
At 11:51 PM,
luna pie said…
Hi Joanne! I just followed the link from James' page to yours! I agree, Northern Ontario is stunning... we always got a small taste driving up to the cottage when we were young too. I just wanted to say (not that you don't already know this), I think that you have a wonderful son!! James treats me with amazing kindness and respect, which is seriously refreshing in a world full of jerks! So, thanks... I'm certain that must have something to do with you. I really respect families that have gone the distance, and stuck it out when so many end up broken. I am definitley thankful for mine! Anyway, have a great summer, and I am glad I got the chance to meet you.
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