OK, so I'm a worry wart and I'm paranoid...........hey, I'm a Mom! Isn't that what we're suppose to do?
This is a picture of my two boys. James (lots of hair) is 24 and Jason (no hair) is 21. They are amazing young men who have their heads on straight and who are well repsected by everyone. So why worry you say....well let me tell you.
James graduated from the University of Western Ontario last year with a degree in History. He returned this year to do a minor in Anthropology. For the past 2 years he has worked with street kids at the Salvation Army Youth Shelter in London, ON. Over the last 5 summers, he has worked at camps in New Jersey and Washington States with children from the inner city. He is very good with youth. He is strong yet very sensitive, and kids seem to gravitate towards him. So why worry you ask again. Well, some time over the next couple of weeks he leaves for Korea.................yes, I said Korea, ............where he is going to teach English. I am very happy and excited for him.........HONEST I AM, ............but then I worry. Although he is my restless, happy wanderer, he will be alone with no family. So, ...........I worry. I guess I'll just have to make a trip to Korea some time to check up on him. Sounds like a good idea to me.
So Jason. Jason has just finished his 3rd year as a performance music major (trumpet) at the University of Toronto. He is very gifted and could have a successful career performing if he wanted to. But that is not what he wants. He finally admits that yes, he has a gift (his tutor states the best thing about Jason is how humble he is, but that doesn't mean I can't brag about him a bit, right?), but he wants to use that gift in Ministry. He currently plays both base guitar and trumpet in a worship band, solos on his trumpet at various churches when asked, and helps out with bands as a sub when asked. So why worry about Jason you ask? Well you see, Jason is going to join the military reserves.................NEED I SAY MORE! A couple of years ago (before the Afganistan stuff), Jason applied, and was accepted. At the last minute however, they changed their mind because of Jason's childhood medical history of asthma. Jason appealed that decision and lost. I WAS SO RELIEVED! He is a persistent lad however when he truly believes in something. He under went several medical tests to prove he is more medically fit than the military demands..........and he won. He took on the military, and he won! He was so excited. I was proud of him for his sense of right and wrong and his perseverance...............but now I worry. He claims that as he will be in the reserves, he will be safe..............but still I worry.
I guess that anyone who is a mom is blessed with this wonderful curse called worry.
At 8:27 PM,
durdlin said…
If God is calling your boys and they choose to follow his call then there is no cause for concern. There is nothing you better you can do with your life than submit to God's will - and anyway, Jesus is going ahead of them to make a way. He will be with them.
At 9:05 PM,
Evie said…
I'm also proud of your children. It's been a joy to watch them grow up and I'm looking forward to all of the wonderful things they will continue to accomplish throughout their lives. You and Bruce have been great parents. You have given your children solid foundations for their lives. That's something they will be able to pass on to their families and to all of the people they minister to in their unique life callings. Now, stop worrying! :-)
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