Re-establishing Old and Establishing New Traditions
So, it's the first time since 2004 that all of the "Youngs" have been together at Christmas. What I've found is that everyone is eagerly re-establishing some of our old traditions, yet we are also establishing new ones. Last weekend, Jenn & Kevin took over the house so that they could spend some time with Owen and Ethan's birth family. We cleared out to give them their privacy. It's so wonderful that they have a great relationship. Our 2 little guys are very fortunate and have alot of people that really love them.

Saturday evening, James and Jason and Alyson arrived. Jenn & Kevin went home that night, but everyone else stayed through the weekend. Alyson and I baked all day Sunday (a "new" tradition I think), and the guys spend the day shopping and playing cards. We had our turkey dinner that day as well.
Jason and Alyson went home on Monday and James has stayed through. On Tuesday, James, Bruce and I went out for lunch at a great restaurant on the waterfront. Last night, we did the old "Young" tradition and watched "A Chrsitmas Carol" with a plate full of goodies. It is now 2:00 PM on Christmas day. We had a relaxing big breakfast, have just finished opening our gifts and will be leaving for Jenn & Kevin's shortly. We are all meeting up there to spend the night together and head off to the Sears Boxing Day tomorrow.
As per David's challenge, I've been snapping some pictures. Here's round 1. More when we get home in a couple of days.
Keeping the driveway clear
I've discovered Alyson is an amazing baker!
Lunch at Aqua Terra
Christmas Day
The gold and silver music tree
The family tree
Merry Christmas Everyone!